7 Wonders Duel Board Game


6 in stock

SKU: 7WDBG Category:

In 7 Wonders Duel is a stand-alone game solely for two players who acquire cards that provide resources or advance their military or scientific development in order to develop a civilization and complete wonders.

Each player can take a card only if it’s not covered by any others, so timing comes into play as well as bonus moves that allow to take a second card immediately. As in the original game, each card that acquire can be built, discarded for coins, or used to construct a wonder.

Both players start with four wonder cards, and the construction of a wonder provides its owner with a special ability. Only seven wonders can be built, though, so one player will end up short.

Players can purchase resources at any time from the bank, or they can gain cards during the game that provide them with resources for future building.

A player can win 7 Wonders Duel in one of three ways: each time a military card is acquire, the military marker will advance toward your opponent’s capital and it reaches the opponent’s capital wins the game immediately. Similarly, if any six of seven different scientific symbols is acquired resulting in  scientific dominance achievement wins immediately. Finally if none of these situations occurs, then the player with the most points at the end of the game wins.