Game Setup:
A memory card game where eight cards are face up on the table in a circle. Make sure the arrow on each card is on the outside of the circle.
The rest of the cards are placed face down in the center of the circle.
The players look at the cards and try to remember the picture on each card. Player don’t have to memorize the numbers or arrows. After around 30 seconds, all of the cards are flipped over making sure the cards stay in the same position around the circle and that the arrows stay on the outside of the circle.
The youngest player starts the game with play continuing clockwise for the rest of the game.
Each player’s turn begins with the player to their right taking Sherlock and placing it next to one of the face down cards. The current player must say what object is pictured on the card next to Sherlock.
If the Sherlock lands on a card that is already face up (has already been guessed correctly this round), the current player takes the card and places it face down in front of them. A new card from the center deck is placed in the empty space in the circle. The players are given a little time to study the card and then all of the face up cards are flipped over. Play then passes to the next player.
The first player to collect six cards wins the game.
Card game 2-5 players.